We schedule sessions around best lighting so typically 1 or 2 hours before sunset depending on the location, and time of year. We recommend rescheduling when weather is cloudy as we typically shoot backlit with golden light. We have a number of forest + field locations we love in starke co. but also have recommendations for Lake Michigan, Valpo, etc. depending on what setting you are hoping for. Newborn sessions are done in our small home studio and usually starting around 9am.


Payment is due at the time of your session. Checks or Cash is best, we do not accept electronic payments.
We do not require deposits to book a session.


Sessions are typically delivered to your email 2 weeks after your session date. These images will be available to download for 14 days. The gallery will expire and images will no longer be available. To republish the images to an online gallery for another 14 days is $25. We recommend using for making prints and other photo related products. Video's are delivered as mp4 files to your email via a link from our google docs. 
You are responsible for saving your images. We recommend saving right away to a hard drive, AND backing up on some sort of cloud service. Hard copies are also always great to have. We recommend for print products.

FIND your gallery here


I usually give some basic recommendations while going over session details with you, but we also have a pinterest board with some ideas collected for inspiration. We recommend dressy - guys can still wear jeans if wanted, but a nice shirt/sweater is great with them.

Please do not wear wrinkled clothing to your session. Please do not wear sweat pants. We don't recommend guys wearing hats - they shade the face and make posing a challenge. Please make sure if the temperature is below 50 degrees, children have tights /leggings on, and layers as appropriate, as well as shoes. If you are wearing a short dress please consider wearing a pair of nude tight shorts under so that sitting poses are less awkward for your sake, and ours. Due to the fact that we typically shoot in rough field areas we don't recommend high heels unless a particular location is appropriate for it.


Limited to 50% of what was paid, and a last resort IF a re-shoot or re-editing is not preferred. If you have asked for a refund in the past we recommend finding a photographer that better suits your needs. If our work didn't please you the first time, it's likely it could happen again.

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